Christian Antinomy in Modern Spiritual Poetry
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 1. Pp. 45-60.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: tatarinova.lyuda@yandex.ruAbstract
The problem of the article is based on a long tradition of studying the category «antinomy» in the history of philosophy from antiquity until the early twentieth century. Antinomical thinking has particular importance for the spiritual life in the 20th century. The author draws attention to the fact that, for example, in the poetry of Thomas Stern Eliot antinomies and paradoxes are of philosophical and religious nature especially in then dealing with questions of reaching the Truth by rational way exclusively. The basic material for studies are the works of modern Russian poets Olesya Nikolaeva, Sergei Kruglov, Timur Kibirov, Olga Sedakova and Helen Schwartz. It is shown how moral and philosophical themes and descriptions of the spiritual lives of the characters associated with the interpretation of ideas of compositions in the form of antinomies. The idea of the influence of the antinomies of thinking on aesthetics and system of images of Russian poets verses is justified. Article reveals the originality of each of the poets whose poems are analyzed in the work. The author concludes that modern poetry gives traditional antinomies personal psychological nature, but at the same time, problems and poetics of paradox are in tune with thinking of twentieth century as a whole - with its disastrous spirit, full of doubt and contradiction.
- • antimony
- • paradox
- • spiritual poetry
- • spiritual values
- • Christianity
- • Savior
- • irony
- • catastrophism
- • philosophical poetry
- • opposition
- • aesthetics
- • poetics
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