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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The Relationship Between the Individual and Society in the Plays of Tennessee Williams

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 5. Pp. 488-492.
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Krylova N. V.
Petrozavodsk State University
33, Lenin Street, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia


This article shows how dramatic works of Tennessee Williams serve as a clue to understanding the position of an artist in today’s world and the relationship between the individual and society as expressed in his plays, interviews and memoirs. The characters of these plays are forced to reassess the quotidian values represented by all that is material and monetary against the backdrop of an examined life. The artist is viewed by the playwright as a true visionary who can see the light in the darkness, who can discover hope in the midst of despair and who can still find and create beauty in the everyday life of an increasingly violent world.


  • • Tennessee Williams
  • • drama
  • • individual vs. society
  • • the role of an artist in relationship to the changing needs of society
  • • the American dream
  • • symbolism
  • • text analysis


  1. Williams, T. Camino Real. New York: New Directions Book. 2008. 170 pp.
  2. The Theatre of Tennessee Williams. Vol. 3. New York: New Directions Book. 1991. 423 pp.
  3. Williams T. New selected essays: Where I Live. New York: New Directions Book, 2009. 256 pp.
  4. Balakian J. Camino Real: Williams’s Allegory about the Fifties // The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Wil-liams / Ed. Matthew C. Roudané. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Pp. 67–94.
  5. Bigsby C. W. Entering “The Glass Menagerie” // The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Williams. / Ed. Mat-thew C. Roudané. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Pp. 29–44.
  6. Faulkner W. On Privacy: the American Dream: What Happened to it // Harper’s Magazine, July 1955.
  7. Fisher J. Camino Real // Tennessee Williams: A Guide to Research and Performance / Ed. Philip C. Kolin. West-port, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. Pp. 100–107.
  8. Leverich L. Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams. New York: Crown. 1995. 678 pp.
  9. Prism International. A Journal of Contemporary Writing. Spring 1981.
  10. Robinson M. The Other American Drama // PAJ Publications. 2005. 218 pp.