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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Interaction Between Cultural Values and Attitudes Towards Innovation

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 5. Pp. 426-434.
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Goldyreva V. A.
HSE Branch in Perm
38 Studencheskaya st., 614070 Perm, Russia


The review of current innovation policy in Russia represented in this work. Author makes stress on personal attitude of the national leaders to innovations: they are sure that focusing on full realization of one's potential and on innovation inevitably would lead Russia to be one of technology leaders of the world before 2020. The basis of this belief lays in currently processing shift of social values in Russia. Author notes that there are just few works revealing connection between cultural values and attitude to innovation and the question of the connection is still open. Nevertheless nowadays it has become obvious for the scientists all over the world that an indispensable condition of economic growth and prosperity of the country is transition of economy to an innovative phase of development. Ability to innovations in general and to innovations of a certain type is a property of the one’s mentality, their cultural specifics. Distinctions in abilities of the different nations to innovate depend on the nature of culture and on the cultural environment.


  • • Innovativeness
  • • the attitude to innovation
  • • creativity
  • • cultural values


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