“Language Game” Principle as a Mean for Activation of Crosscultural Communication (On the Basis of “Ogonyok” Magazine 2009–2013)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 4. Pp. 375-380.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: natalia_danilowa@interia.euAbstract
In this paper the titles of the articles and notes devoted to Poland and Poles that were published in Russian journal “Ogonek” from 2009 to 2013 are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the so-called principle of “language game” that according to the author’s opinion assists with reading the material entirely in addition to intensifying one’s attention to the title. Moreover, according to the investigation performed, the presence of a game element in the titles makes them conversational that means activation of the cross-cultural communication and plays important role in the reflection of Poland–Russia relations in the press.
- • the titles of articles
- • language game
- • Russia
- • Poland
- • Polish-Russian relations
- • stereotypes
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