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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Rakhmaninov’s creative work influence on national music cultures in 20th century

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 2. Pp. 149-158.
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Skurko E. R.
Z. Ismagilov Ufa State Academy of Arts
14 Lenin Street, 450008, Ufa, Russia


The article dwells on the problem of Rakhmaninov’s art, style and poetics influence on the process of formation and development of national music cultures, national composer schools and some individual author’s styles of the former USSR. Three evolution stages of all national music cultures are determined: “preprofessional”, “professional” and the stage of “new music”. Two work concepts are introduced: a Rakhmaninov’s musical and style canon as an individual system including characteristic properties of the composer’s style and poetics, and a national musical and style canon as a system of musical and expressive language principles typical for every musical culture and possessive of the national character. The signs representing the Rakhmaninov’s style are revealed and considered on the piano concerto genre. These two spheres outlined are disclosed in folklore and neofolklore conditions as the main evolution directions of the national musical thinking. The main principles of the Rakhmaninov’s and national canons interaction are singled out: adaptation corresponding to the early development stages of national music cultures (forlklore stage) and assimilation (by G. Golovinsky) characteristic for “new music” (neofollore stage). The problems are considered on the example of piano concertos by Z. Ismagilov, A. Khatchaturyan, A. Eshpay, R. Gazizov and some others.


  • • national style
  • • folklore
  • • neofolklore
  • • piano concerto
  • • romanticism
  • • neoromanticism
  • • music thinking evolution
  • • musical language


  1. Skurko E. R. Bashkirskaya akademicheskaya muzyka: traditsii i sovremennost' [Baskir Academic Music: Tradition and Modernity]. Ufa, 2005. P. 46.
  2. Tsukkerman V. Muzykal'no-teoreticheskie ocherki i etyudy. Moscow, 1970. P. 511.
  3. Grigor'eva G. Stilevye problemy russkoi sovetskoi muzyki vtoroi poloviny XX veka. [Style Problems of Soviet Rus-sian Music of the Second Half of 20th century]. Moscow, 1989. P. 128.
  4. Aranovskii M. Simfonicheskie iskaniya [Symphonic Search]. Moscow, 1979. P. 155.