Psychological Interpretation of Heroic Images in the Legend of the Nibelungs in F. Gebbel And H. Ibsen’s Works
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 2. Pp. 203-210.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: buchil@bk.ruAbstract
In the article the psychological base of heroic characters of the mediaeval German epos “Das Nibelungenlied” and the Scandinavian “Edda” in literary interpretations of the playwrights and realists F. Hebbel and H. Ibsen is presented.
- • the legend about Nibelungs
- • heroic epos
- • realistic tragedy
- • realistic drama
- • psychological realism
- • heroic base of literary image
- Gebbel' F. Izbrannoe v 2-kh tomakh [Selected Works in 2 Volumes]. Vol. 2. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1978. 672 pp.
- C. G. Jung. Psikhologicheskie tipy [Psychological Types ]. Saint Petersburg: Azbuka, 2001. 732 pp.
- Ibsen G. Voiteli v Khel'gollande. Sobranie sochinenii [The Warriors at Helgeland. Collection of Writings]. Vol. 1. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1956. 730 pp.
- Khrapovitskaya G. N. Ibsen i zapadnoevropeiskaya drama ego vremeni [Ibsen and West European Drama of His Time]. Moscow: MPGU, 1979. 90 pp.
- Gorn F. V. Istoriya skandinavskoi literatury [History of Scandinavian Literature]. Moscow: 1894. 407 pp.